Vocabulary : Zoilean to Zomboruk

Zoilean : Having the characteristic of Zoilus, a bitter, envious, unjust critic, who lived about 270 years before Christ.
Zoilism : Resemblance to Zoilus in style or manner; carping criticism; detraction.
Zoisite : A grayish or whitish mineral occurring in orthorhombic, prismatic crystals, also in columnar masses. It is a silicate of alumina and lime, and is allied to epidote.
Zoism : Reverence for animal life or belief in animal powers and influences, as among savages. ;; A doctrine, now discarded, that the phenomena of life are due to a peculiar vital principle; the theory of vital force.
Zokor : An Asiatic burrowing rodent (Siphneus aspalax) resembling the mole rat. It is native of the Altai Mountains.
Zolaesque : In the style of Zola (see Zolaism).
Zolaism : The literary theories and practices of the French novelist Emile Zola (1840-1902); naturalism, esp. in a derogatory sense.
Zollner's lines : Parallel lines that are made to appear convergent or divergent by means of oblique intersections.
Zollverein : Literally, a customs union; specifically, applied to the several customs unions successively formed under the leadership of Prussia among certain German states for establishing liberty of commerce among themselves and common tariff on imports, exports, and transit.
Zomboruk : See Zumbooruk.
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