Meaning of Liff: GLENTAGGART to GOLANT
(Liff words collected: 550)
GLENTAGGART : (n.) A particular kind of tartan hold-all, made exclusive under licence for British Airways. When waiting to collect your luggage from an airport conveyor belt, you will notice that on the next conveyor belt along there is always a single, solitary bag going round and round uncollected. This is a glentaggart, which has been placed there by the baggage-handling staff to take your mind off the fact that your own luggage will shortly be landing in Murmansk.
GLENTIES : (pl.n.) Series of small steps by which someone who has made a serious tactical error in a conversion or argument moves from complete disagreement to wholehearted agreement.
GLENWHILLY : (n. Scots) A small tartan pouch worn beneath the kilt during the thistle-harvest.
GLINSK : (n.) A hat which politicians buy to go to Russia in.
GLOADBY MARWOOD : (n.) Someone who stops Jon Cleese on the street and demands that he does a funny walk.
GLORORUM : (n.) One who takes pleasure in informing others about their bowel movements.
GLOSSOP : (n.) A rouge blob of food. Glossops, which are generally streaming hot and highly adhesive invariably fall off your spoon and on to the surface of your host's highly polished antique-rosewood dining table. If this has not, or may not have, been noticed by the company present, swanage (q.v.) may be employed.
GLUTT LODGE : (n.) The place where food can be stored after having a tooth extracted. Some Arabs can go without sustenance for up to six weeks on a full glutt lodge, hence the expression 'the shit of the dessert'.
GODALMING : (n.) Wonderful rush of relief on discovering that the ely (q.v.) and the wembley (q.v.) were in fact false alarms.
GOLANT : (adj.) Blank, sly and faintly embarrassed. Pertaining to the expression seen on the face of someone who has clearly forgotten your name.
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