(Liff words collected: 550)
MAARUIG : (n.) The inexpressible horror experienced on walking up in the morning and remembering that you are Andy Stewart.
MAENTWROG : (n. Welsh) Celtic word for a computer spelling mistake.
MALIBU : (n.) The height by which the top of a wave exceeds the height to which you have rolled up your trousers.
MANKINHOLES : (pl.n.) The small holes in a loaf of bread which give rise to the momentary suspicion that something may have made its home within.
MAPLEDURHAM : (n.) A hideous piece of chipboard veneer furniture bought in a suburban high street furniture store and designed to hold exactly a year's supply of Sunday colour supplements.
MARGATE : (n.) A margate is a particular kind of commissionaire who sees you every day and is on cheerful Christian-name terms with you, then one day refuses to let you in because you've forgotten your identify card.
MARKET DEEPING : (participial vb.) Stealing one piece of fruit from a street fruit-and- vegetable stall.
MARLOW : (n.) The bottom drawer in the kitchen your mother keeps her paper bags in.
MARYTAVY : (n.) A person to whom, under dire injunctions of silence, you tell a secret which you wish to be fare more widely known.
MASSACHUSETTS : (pl.n.) Those items and particles which people who, after blowing their noses, are searching for when they look into their hankies.
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