(Liff words collected: 550)
LUFFENHAM : (n.) Feeling you get when the pubs aren't going to be open for another fortyfive minutes and the luffness is beginning to wear a bit thin.
LUFFNESS : (n.) Hearty feeling that comes from walking on the moors with gumboots and cold ears.
LULWORTH : (n.) Measure of conversation. A lulworth defines the amount of the length, loudness and embarrassment of a statement you make when everyone else in the room unaccountably stops talking at the same time.
LUPPITT : (n.) The piece of leather which hangs off the bottom of your shoe before you can be bothered to get it mended.
LUSBY : (n.) The fold of flesh pushing forward over the top of a bra which is too small for the lady inside it.
LUTON : (n.) The horseshoe-shaped rug which goes around a lavatory seat.
LYBSTER : (n., vb.) The artificial chuckle in the voice-over at the end of a supposedly funny television commercial.
LYDIARD TREGOZE : (n.) The opposite of a mavis enderby (q.v.) An unrequited early love of your life who still causes terrible pangs though she inexplicably married a telephone engineer.
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