Meaning of Liff: SILESIA to SLIGO
(Liff words collected: 550)
SILESIA : (n. medical) The inability to remember, at the critical moment, which is the better side of a boat to be seasick off.
SILLOTH : (n.) Something that was sticky, and is now furry, found on the carpet under the sofa the morning after a party.
SIMPRIM : (n.) The little movement of false modesty by which a girl with a cavernous visible cleavage pulls her skirt down over her knees.
SITTINGBOURNE : (n.) One of those conversations where both people are waiting for the other one to shut up so they can get on with their bit.
SKEGNESS : (n.) Nose excreta of a malleable consistency.
SKELLOW : (adj.) Descriptive of the satisfaction experienced when looking at a really good dry-stone wall.
SKENFRITH : (n.) The flakes of athlete's foot found inside socks.
SKETTY : (n.) Apparently self-propelled little dance a beer glass performs in its own puddle.
SKIBBEREEN : (n.) The noise made by a sunburned thigh leaving a plastic chair.
SLIGO : (n.) An unnamed and exotic sexual act which people like to believe that famous films stars get up to in private. 'To commit sligo.'
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