Sniglets: E-gret to Empharsical

(Sniglets collected: 625)

E-gret : A regrettable e-error
E-grievous : A grievous e-error
Eiffelites : (eye' ful eyetz) (n.) Gangly people sitting in front of you at the movies who, no matter what direction you lean in, follow suit.
Elbonics : (el BON iks) (n.) The action of two people maneuvering for one armrest in a movie theater.
Elecelleration : (el a cel er AY shun) (n.) The mistaken notion that the more you press an elevator button the faster it will arrive.
Elevertigo : (el uh vur' tig oh) (n.) The sensation one experiences when an elevator stops or takes off too suddeny.
Elmerdermis : (el mur durm' is) (n.) The white sheath that surrounds the nozzle of a glue dispenser.
Emasculathe : a tool for castration.
E-mend : The act of sending an email with information not intended for, or suitable to the ultimate receiver.
Empharsical : The manner in which a drunk person delivers an impressive but entirely wrong argument.

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