Sniglets: Scrit to Sirlines

(Sniglets collected: 625)

Scrit : (skrit) (n.) Anything that's been in the same place for at least fifty years without being used, such as the archaic bottles of hair tonic on a barber's counter.
Servelence : (surv' lents) (n.) The sudden lull in conversation that occurs at a table of diners when the food is served.
Shirmers : n., pl. Tall young men who stand around smiling at weddings as if to sugge st that they know t he bride rather well.
Shirtlop : (SHURT lahp) (n.) The condition of a shirt that has been improperly buttoned.
Shmiddle : (n) The hole in the center of a bagel. "The cream cheese was oozing out from the shmiddle."
Shocklet : (shahk' lit) (n.) The seldom-used third hole on an electrical outlet.
Shoefly : (shew' fliy) (n.) The aeronautical terminology for a football player who misses the punt and launches his shoe instead.
Shuggleftulation : (shug lef tuyl AY shun) (n.) The actions two people approaching, trying to get around each other, and muttering "thanks for the dance."
Shuzma : (shuhz' muh) (n.) The portion of window cleaner that the spray tube can no longer reach.
Sirlines : (sir' lines) (n.) The lines on a grilled steak.

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