Vocabulary : Acrook to Across

Acrook : Crookedly.
Acropetal : Developing from below towards the apex, or from the circumference towards the center; centripetal; -- said of certain inflorescence.
Acrophony : The use of a picture symbol of an object to represent phonetically the initial sound of the name of the object.
Acropodium : The entire upper surface of the foot.
Acropolis : The upper part, or the citadel, of a Grecian city; especially, the citadel of Athens.
Acropolitan : Pertaining to an acropolis.
Acrospire : The sprout at the end of a seed when it begins to germinate; the plumule in germination; -- so called from its spiral form. ;; To put forth the first sprout.
Acrospore : A spore borne at the extremity of the cells of fructification in fungi.
Acrosporous : Having acrospores.
Across : From side to side; athwart; crosswise, or in a direction opposed to the length; quite over; as, a bridge laid across a river. ;; From side to side; crosswise; as, with arms folded across. ;; Obliquely; athwart; amiss; awry.
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