Vocabulary : Acrostic to Acrotic
Acrostic : A composition, usually in verse, in which the first or the last letters of the lines, or certain other letters, taken in order, form a name, word, phrase, or motto. ;; A Hebrew poem in which the lines or stanzas begin with the letters of the alphabet in regular order (as Psalm cxix.). See Abecedarian. ;; Alt. of Acrostical
Acrostical : Pertaining to, or characterized by, acrostics.
Acrostically : After the manner of an acrostic.
Acrotarsium : The instep or front of the tarsus.
Acroteleutic : The end of a verse or psalm, or something added thereto, to be sung by the people, by way of a response.
Acroter : Same as Acroterium.
Acroteria : of Acroterium
Acroterial : Pertaining to an acroterium; as, acroterial ornaments.
Acroterium : One of the small pedestals, for statues or other ornaments, placed on the apex and at the basal angles of a pediment. Acroteria are also sometimes placed upon the gables in Gothic architecture. ;; One of the pedestals, for vases or statues, forming a part roof balustrade.
Acrotic : Pertaining to or affecting the surface.
: Acrotism, Acrotomous, Acrylic, Act, Actable, Acted, Actinal, Actinaria, Acting, Actinia
: Acrook, Acropetal, Acrophony, Acropodium, Acropolis, Acropolitan, Acrospire, Acrospore, Acrosporous, Across
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary