Vocabulary : Adducent to Adeem
Adducent : Bringing together or towards a given point; -- a word applied to those muscles of the body which pull one part towards another. Opposed to abducent.
Adducer : One who adduces.
Adducible : Capable of being adduced.
Adducing : of Adduce
Adduct : To draw towards a common center or a middle line.
Adduction : The act of adducing or bringing forward. ;; The action by which the parts of the body are drawn towards its axis]; -- opposed to abduction.
Adductive : Adducing, or bringing towards or to something.
Adductor : A muscle which draws a limb or part of the body toward the middle line of the body, or closes extended parts of the body; -- opposed to abductor; as, the adductor of the eye, which turns the eye toward the nose.
Addulce : To sweeten; to soothe.
Adeem : To revoke, as a legacy, grant, etc., or to satisfy it by some other gift.
: Adelantadillo, Adelantado, Adelaster, Adeling, Adelocodonic, Adelopod, Adelphia, Adelphous, Adempt, Ademption
: Addlings, Addoom, Addorsed, Address, Addressed, Addressee, Addressing, Addression, Adduce, Adduced
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary