Vocabulary : Adelantadillo to Ademption
Adelantadillo : A Spanish red wine made of the first ripe grapes.
Adelantado : A governor of a province; a commander.
Adelaster : A provisional name for a plant which has not had its flowers botanically examined, and therefore has not been referred to its proper genus.
Adeling : Same as Atheling.
Adelocodonic : Applied to sexual zooids of hydroids, that have a saclike form and do not become free; -- opposed to phanerocodonic.
Adelopod : An animal having feet that are not apparent.
Adelphia : A "brotherhood," or collection of stamens in a bundle; -- used in composition, as in the class names, Monadelphia, Diadelphia, etc.
Adelphous : Having coalescent or clustered filaments; -- said of stamens; as, adelphous stamens. Usually in composition; as, monadelphous.
Adempt : Takes away.
Ademption : The revocation or taking away of a grant donation, legacy, or the like.
: Aden-, Aden ulcer, Adenalgia, Adenalgy, Adeniform, Adenitis, Adeno-, Adenographic, Adenography, Adenoid
: Adducent, Adducer, Adducible, Adducing, Adduct, Adduction, Adductive, Adductor, Addulce, Adeem
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary