Vocabulary : Adhered to Adhesively

Adhered : of Adhere
Adherence : The quality or state of adhering. ;; The state of being fixed in attachment; fidelity; steady attachment; adhesion; as, adherence to a party or to opinions.
Adherency : The state or quality of being adherent; adherence. ;; That which adheres.
Adherent : Sticking; clinging; adhering. ;; Attached as an attribute or circumstance. ;; Congenitally united with an organ of another kind, as calyx with ovary, or stamens with petals. ;; One who adheres; one who adheres; one who follows a leader, party, or profession; a follower, or partisan; a believer in a particular faith or church. ;; That which adheres; an appendage.
Adherently : In an adherent manner.
Adherer : One who adheres; an adherent.
Adhering : of Adhere
Adhesion : The action of sticking; the state of being attached; intimate union; as, the adhesion of glue, or of parts united by growth, cement, or the like. ;; Adherence; steady or firm attachment; fidelity; as, adhesion to error, to a policy. ;; Agreement to adhere; concurrence; assent. ;; The molecular attraction exerted between bodies in contact. See Cohesion. ;; Union of surface, normally separate, by the formation of new tissue resulting from an inflammatory process. ;; The union of parts which are separate in other plants, or in younger states of the same plant.
Adhesive : Sticky; tenacious, as glutinous substances. ;; Apt or tending to adhere; clinging.
Adhesively : In an adhesive manner.
Next : Adhesiveness, Adhibit, Adhibition, Adhort, Adhortation, Adhortatory, Adiabatic, Adiactinic, Adiantum, Adiaphorism
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