Vocabulary : Adhesiveness to Adiaphorism
Adhesiveness : The quality of sticking or adhering; stickiness; tenacity of union. ;; Propensity to form and maintain attachments to persons, and to promote social intercourse.
Adhibit : To admit, as a person or thing; to take in. ;; To use or apply; to administer. ;; To attach; to affix.
Adhibition : The act of adhibiting; application; use.
Adhort : To exhort; to advise.
Adhortation : Advice; exhortation.
Adhortatory : Containing counsel or warning; hortatory; advisory.
Adiabatic : Not giving out or receiving heat.
Adiactinic : Not transmitting the actinic rays.
Adiantum : A genus of ferns, the leaves of which shed water; maidenhair. Also, the black maidenhair, a species of spleenwort.
Adiaphorism : Religious indifference.
: Adiaphorist, Adiaphoristic, Adiaphorite, Adiaphorous, Adiaphory, Adiathermic, Adieu, Adieus, Adight, Adios
: Adhered, Adherence, Adherency, Adherent, Adherently, Adherer, Adhering, Adhesion, Adhesive, Adhesively
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary