Vocabulary : Adversifolious to Adverting

Adversifolious : Having opposite leaves, as plants which have the leaves so arranged on the stem.
Adversion : A turning towards; attention.
Adversities : of Adversity
Adversity : Opposition; contrariety.
Advert : To turn the mind or attention; to refer; to take heed or notice; -- with to; as, he adverted to what was said.
Adverted : of Advert
Advertence : Alt. of Advertency
Advertency : The act of adverting, of the quality of being advertent; attention; notice; regard; heedfulness.
Advertent : Attentive; heedful; regardful.
Adverting : of Advert
Next : Advertise, Advertised, Advertisement, Advertiser, Advertising, Advice, Advisability, Advisable, Advisable-ness, Advisably
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