Vocabulary : Advertise to Advisably

Advertise : To give notice to; to inform or apprise; to notify; to make known; hence, to warn; -- often followed by of before the subject of information; as, to advertise a man of his loss. ;; To give public notice of; to announce publicly, esp. by a printed notice; as, to advertise goods for sale, a lost article, the sailing day of a vessel, a political meeting.
Advertised : of Advertise
Advertisement : The act of informing or notifying; notification. ;; Admonition; advice; warning. ;; A public notice, especially a paid notice in some public print; anything that advertises; as, a newspaper containing many advertisements.
Advertiser : One who, or that which, advertises.
Advertising : of Advertise
Advice : An opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel. ;; Deliberate consideration; knowledge. ;; Information or notice given; intelligence; as, late advices from France; -- commonly in the plural. ;; Counseling to perform a specific illegal act.
Advisability : The quality of being advisable; advisableness.
Advisable : Proper to be advised or to be done; expedient; prudent. ;; Ready to receive advice.
Advisable-ness : The quality of being advisable or expedient; expediency; advisability.
Advisably : With advice; wisely.
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