Vocabulary : Alethiology to Alevin
Alethiology : The science which treats of the nature of truth and evidence.
Alethoscope : An instrument for viewing pictures by means of a lens, so as to present them in their natural proportions and relations.
Aleuromancy : Divination by means of flour.
Aleurometer : An instrument for determining the expansive properties, or quality, of gluten in flour.
Aleuronat : Flour made of aleurone, used as a substitute for ordinary flour in preparing bread for diabetic persons.
Aleurone : An albuminoid substance which occurs in minute grains ("protein granules") in maturing seeds and tubers; -- supposed to be a modification of protoplasm.
Aleuronic : Having the nature of aleurone.
Aleutian : Alt. of Aleutic
Aleutic : Of or pertaining to a chain of islands between Alaska and Kamtchatka; also, designating these islands.
Alevin : Young fish; fry.
: Alew, Alewife, Alewives, Alexanders, Alexandrian, Alexandrine, Alexia, Alexipharmac, Alexipharmacal, Alexipharmic
: Alength, Alepidote, Alepole, Aleppo boil, Aleppo grass, Alert, Alertly, Alertness, Alestake, Aletaster
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary