Vocabulary : Alew to Alexipharmic
Alew : Halloo.
Alewife : A woman who keeps an alehouse. ;; A North American fish (Clupea vernalis) of the Herring family. It is called also ellwife, ellwhop, branch herring. The name is locally applied to other related species.
Alewives : of Alewife ;; of Alewife
Alexanders : Alt. of Alisanders
Alexandrian : Of or pertaining to Alexandria in Egypt; as, the Alexandrian library. ;; Applied to a kind of heroic verse. See Alexandrine, n.
Alexandrine : Belonging to Alexandria; Alexandrian. ;; A kind of verse consisting in English of twelve syllables.
Alexia : As used by some, inability to read aloud, due to brain disease. ;; More commonly, inability, due to brain disease, to understand written or printed symbols although they can be seen, as in case of word blindness.
Alexipharmac : Alt. of Alexipharmacal
Alexipharmacal : Alexipharmic.
Alexipharmic : Alt. of Alexipharmical ;; An antidote against poison or infection; a counterpoison.
: Alexipharmical, Alexipyretic, Alexiteric, Alexiterical, Alfa, Alfa grass, Alfalfa, Alfenide, Alferes, Alfet
: Alethiology, Alethoscope, Aleuromancy, Aleurometer, Aleuronat, Aleurone, Aleuronic, Aleutian, Aleutic, Alevin
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary