Vocabulary : Alliterator to Allochroite

Alliterator : One who alliterates.
Allium : A genus of plants, including the onion, garlic, leek, chive, etc.
Allmouth : The angler.
Allness : Totality; completeness.
Allnight : Light, fuel, or food for the whole night.
Allocate : To distribute or assign; to allot. ;; To localize.
Allocation : The act of putting one thing to another; a placing; disposition; arrangement. ;; An allotment or apportionment; as, an allocation of shares in a company. ;; The admission of an item in an account, or an allowance made upon an account; -- a term used in the English exchequer.
Allocatur : "Allowed." The word allocatur expresses the allowance of a proceeding, writ, order, etc., by a court, judge, or judicial officer.
Allochroic : Changeable in color.
Allochroite : See Garnet.
Next : Allochroous, Allocution, Allod, Allodial, Allodialism, Allodialist, Allodially, Allodiary, Allodium, Allogamous
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