Vocabulary : Allochroous to Allogamous
Allochroous : Changing color.
Allocution : The act or manner of speaking to, or of addressing in words. ;; An address; a hortatory or authoritative address as of a pope to his clergy.
Allod : See Allodium.
Allodial : Pertaining to allodium; freehold; free of rent or service; held independent of a lord paramount; -- opposed to feudal; as, allodial lands; allodial system. ;; Anything held allodially.
Allodialism : The allodial system.
Allodialist : One who holds allodial land.
Allodially : By allodial tenure.
Allodiary : One who holds an allodium.
Allodium : Freehold estate; land which is the absolute property of the owner; real estate held in absolute independence, without being subject to any rent, service, or acknowledgment to a superior. It is thus opposed to feud.
Allogamous : Characterized by allogamy.
: Allogamy, Allogeneous, Allograph, Allomerism, Allomerous, Allomorph, Allomorphic, Allomorphism, Allonge, Allonym
: Alliterator, Allium, Allmouth, Allness, Allnight, Allocate, Allocation, Allocatur, Allochroic, Allochroite
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary