Vocabulary : Anabranch to Anacardium
Anabranch : A branch of a river that reenters, or anastomoses with, the main stream; also, less properly, a branch which loses itself in sandy soil.
Anacamptic : Reflecting of reflected; as, an anacamptic sound (and echo).
Anacamptically : By reflection; as, echoes are sound produced anacamptically.
Anacamptics : The science of reflected light, now called catoptrics. ;; The science of reflected sounds.
Anacanthini : Alt. of Anacanths
Anacanthous : Spineless, as certain fishes.
Anacanths : A group of teleostean fishes destitute of spiny fin-rays, as the cod.
Anacardiaceous : Belonging to, or resembling, a family, or order, of plants of which the cashew tree is the type, and the species of sumac are well known examples.
Anacardic : Pertaining to, or derived from, the cashew nut; as, anacardic acid.
Anacardium : A genus of plants including the cashew tree. See Cashew.
: Anacathartic, Anacharis, Anachoret, Anachoretical, Anachorism, Anachronic, Anachronical, Anachronism, Anachronistic, Anachronize
: Anabaptist, Anabaptistic, Anabaptistical, Anabaptistry, Anabaptize, Anabas, Anabasis, Anabatic, Anabolic, Anabolism
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary