Vocabulary : Anacathartic to Anachronize

Anacathartic : Producing vomiting or expectoration. ;; An anacathartic medicine; an expectorant or an emetic.
Anacharis : A fresh-water weed of the frog's-bit family (Hydrocharidaceae), native to America. Transferred to England it became an obstruction to navigation. Called also waterweed and water thyme.
Anachoret : Alt. of Anachoretical
Anachoretical : See Anchoret, Anchoretic.
Anachorism : An error in regard to the place of an event or a thing; a referring something to a wrong place.
Anachronic : Alt. of Anachronical
Anachronical : Characterized by, or involving, anachronism; anachronistic.
Anachronism : A misplacing or error in the order of time; an error in chronology by which events are misplaced in regard to each other, esp. one by which an event is placed too early; falsification of chronological relation.
Anachronistic : Erroneous in date; containing an anachronism.
Anachronize : To refer to, or put into, a wrong time.
Next : Anachronous, Anaclastic, Anaclastics, Anacoenosis, Anacoluthic, Anacoluthon, Anaconda, Anacreontic, Anacrotic, Anacrotism
Previous : Anabranch, Anacamptic, Anacamptically, Anacamptics, Anacanthini, Anacanthous, Anacanths, Anacardiaceous, Anacardic, Anacardium
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