Vocabulary : Andean to Androgynal

Andean : Pertaining to the Andes.
Andesine : A kind of triclinic feldspar found in the Andes.
Andesite : An eruptive rock allied to trachyte, consisting essentially of a triclinic feldspar, with pyroxene, hornblende, or hypersthene.
Andine : Andean; as, Andine flora.
Andiron : A utensil for supporting wood when burning in a fireplace, one being placed on each side; a firedog; as, a pair of andirons.
Andranatomy : The dissection of a human body, especially of a male; androtomy.
Androcephalous : Having a human head (upon an animal's body), as the Egyptian sphinx.
Androdioecious : Alt. of -diecious
Androecium : The stamens of a flower taken collectively.
Androgynal : Uniting both sexes in one, or having the characteristics of both; being in nature both male and female; hermaphroditic. ;; Bearing both staminiferous and pistilliferous flowers in the same cluster.
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