Vocabulary : Androgyne to Andron

Androgyne : An hermaphrodite. ;; An androgynous plant.
Androgynism : Union of both sexes in one individual; hermaphroditism.
Androgynous : Alt. of Androgynal
Androgyny : Alt. of Androgynism
Android : Alt. of Androides ;; Resembling a man.
Androides : A machine or automaton in the form of a human being.
Andromed : A meteor appearing to radiate from a point in the constellation Andromeda, -- whence the name.
Andromeda : A northern constellation, supposed to represent the mythical Andromeda. ;; A genus of ericaceous flowering plants of northern climates, of which the original species was found growing on a rock surrounded by water.
Andromede : Alt. of Andromed
Andron : The apartment appropriated for the males. This was in the lower part of the house.
Next : Andropetalous, Androphagi, Androphagous, Androphore, Andropogon, Androsphinx, Androspore, Androtomous, Androtomy, androus
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