Vocabulary : Anglo-Saxondom to Angriness
Anglo-Saxondom : The Anglo-Saxon domain (i. e., Great Britain and the United States, etc.); the Anglo-Saxon race.
Anglo-Saxonism : A characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon race; especially, a word or an idiom of the Anglo-Saxon tongue. ;; The quality or sentiment of being Anglo-Saxon, or English in its ethnological sense.
Angola : A fabric made from the wool of the Angora goat.
Angola pea : A tropical plant (Cajanus indicus) and its edible seed, a kind of pulse; -- so called from Angola in Western Africa. Called also pigeon pea and Congo pea.
Angor : Great anxiety accompanied by painful constriction at the upper part of the belly, often with palpitation and oppression.
Angora : A city of Asia Minor (or Anatolia) which has given its name to a goat, a cat, etc.
Angostura bark : An aromatic bark used as a tonic, obtained from a South American of the rue family (Galipea cusparia, / officinalis).
Angoumois moth : A small moth (Gelechia cerealella) which is very destructive to wheat and other grain. The larva eats out the interior of the grain, leaving only the shell.
Angrily : In an angry manner; under the influence of anger.
Angriness : The quality of being angry, or of being inclined to anger.
: Angry, Anguiform, Anguilliform, Anguine, Anguineal, Anguineous, Anguish, Angular, Angularity, Angularly
: Anglify, Anglifying, Angling, Anglo-, Anglo-Catholic, Anglo-Catholicism, Anglomania, Anglomaniac, Anglophobia, Anglo-Saxon
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary