Vocabulary : Angry to Angularly
Angry : Troublesome; vexatious; rigorous. ;; Inflamed and painful, as a sore. ;; Touched with anger; under the emotion of anger; feeling resentment; enraged; -- followed generally by with before a person, and at before a thing. ;; Showing anger; proceeding from anger; acting as if moved by anger; wearing the marks of anger; as, angry words or tones; an angry sky; angry waves. ;; Red. ;; Sharp; keen; stimulated.
Anguiform : Snake-shaped.
Anguilliform : Eel-shaped.
Anguine : Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a snake or serpent.
Anguineal : Anguineous.
Anguineous : Snakelike.
Anguish : Extreme pain, either of body or mind; excruciating distress. ;; To distress with extreme pain or grief.
Angular : Relating to an angle or to angles; having an angle or angles; forming an angle or corner; sharp-cornered; pointed; as, an angular figure. ;; Measured by an angle; as, angular distance. ;; Fig.: Lean; lank; raw-boned; ungraceful; sharp and stiff in character; as, remarkably angular in his habits and appearance; an angular female. ;; A bone in the base of the lower jaw of many birds, reptiles, and fishes.
Angularity : The quality or state of being angular; angularness.
Angularly : In an angular manner; with of at angles or corners.
: Angularness, Angulate, Angulated, Angulation, Angulo-dentate, Angulometer, Angulose, Angulosity, Angulous, Angurize
: Anglo-Saxondom, Anglo-Saxonism, Angola, Angola pea, Angor, Angora, Angostura bark, Angoumois moth, Angrily, Angriness
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary