Vocabulary : Anna to Anneal

Anna : An East Indian money of account, the sixteenth of a rupee, or about 2/ cents.
Annal : See Annals.
Annalist : A writer of annals.
Annalistic : Pertaining to, or after the manner of, an annalist; as, the dry annalistic style.
Annalize : To record in annals.
Annals : A relation of events in chronological order, each event being recorded under the year in which it happened. ;; Historical records; chronicles; history. ;; The record of a single event or item. ;; A periodic publication, containing records of discoveries, transactions of societies, etc.; as "Annals of Science."
Annat : A half years's stipend, over and above what is owing for the incumbency, due to a minister's heirs after his decease.
Annates : The first year's profits of a spiritual preferment, anciently paid by the clergy to the pope; first fruits. In England, they now form a fund for the augmentation of poor livings.
Annats : Alt. of Annates
Anneal : To subject to great heat, and then cool slowly, as glass, cast iron, steel, or other metal, for the purpose of rendering it less brittle; to temper; to toughen. ;; To heat, as glass, tiles, or earthenware, in order to fix the colors laid on them.
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