Vocabulary : Annealed to Anneloid

Annealed : of Anneal
Annealer : One who, or that which, anneals.
Annealing : of Anneal ;; The process used to render glass, iron, etc., less brittle, performed by allowing them to cool very gradually from a high heat. ;; The burning of metallic colors into glass, earthenware, etc.
Annectent : Connecting; annexing.
Annelid : Alt. of Annelidan
Annelida : A division of the Articulata, having the body formed of numerous rings or annular segments, and without jointed legs. The principal subdivisions are the Chaetopoda, including the Oligochaeta or earthworms and Polychaeta or marine worms; and the Hirudinea or leeches. See Chaetopoda.
Annelidan : Of or pertaining to the Annelida. ;; One of the Annelida.
Annelidous : Of the nature of an annelid.
Annellata : See Annelida.
Anneloid : An animal resembling an annelid.
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