Vocabulary : Antickt to Anticness

Antickt : of Antic
Anticlastic : Having to opposite curvatures, that is, curved longitudinally in one direction and transversely in the opposite direction, as the surface of a saddle.
Anticlimax : A sentence in which the ideas fall, or become less important and striking, at the close; -- the opposite of climax. It produces a ridiculous effect.
Anticlinal : Inclining or dipping in opposite directions. See Synclinal. ;; The crest or line in which strata slope or dip in opposite directions.
Anticline : A structure of bedded rocks in which the beds on both sides of an axis or axial plane dip away from the axis; an anticlinal.
Anticlinoria : of Anticlinorium
Anticlinorium : The upward elevation of the crust of the earth, resulting from a geanticlinal.
Anticly : Oddly; grotesquely.
Antic-mask : An antimask.
Anticness : The quality of being antic.
Next : Anticoherer, Anticonstitutional, Anticontagious, Anticonvulsive, Anticor, Anticous, Anticyclone, Antidiphtheritic, Antidotal, Antidotary
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