Vocabulary : Anticoherer to Antidotary
Anticoherer : A device, one form of which consists of a scratched deposit of silver on glass, used in connection with the receiving apparatus for reading wireless signals. The electric waves falling on this contrivance increase its resistance several times. The anticoherer can be used in conjunction with a telephone.
Anticonstitutional : Opposed to the constitution; unconstitutional.
Anticontagious : Opposing or destroying contagion.
Anticonvulsive : Good against convulsions.
Anticor : A dangerous inflammatory swelling of a horse's breast, just opposite the heart.
Anticous : Facing toward the axis of the flower, as in the introrse anthers of the water lily.
Anticyclone : A movement of the atmosphere opposite in character, as regards direction of the wind and distribution of barometric pressure, to that of a cyclone.
Antidiphtheritic : Destructive to, or hindering the growth of, diphtheria bacilli. ;; An antidiphtheritic agent.
Antidotal : Having the quality an antidote; fitted to counteract the effects of poison.
Antidotary : Antidotal.
: Antidote, Antidotical, Antidromous, Antidysenteric, Antiemetic, Antiephialtic, Antiepileptic, Antifebrile, Antifebrine, Anti-federalist
: Antickt, Anticlastic, Anticlimax, Anticlinal, Anticline, Anticlinoria, Anticlinorium, Anticly, Antic-mask, Anticness
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary