Vocabulary : Antifriction to Antihypnotic

Antifriction : Something to lessen friction; antiattrition. ;; Tending to lessen friction.
Antigalastic : Causing a diminution or a suppression of the secretion of milk.
Anti-Gallican : Opposed to what is Gallic or French.
Antigraph : A copy or transcript.
Antiguggler : A crooked tube of metal, to be introduced into the neck of a bottle for drawing out the liquid without disturbing the sediment or causing a gurgling noise.
Antihelix : The curved elevation of the cartilage of the ear, within or in front of the helix. See Ear.
Antihemorrhagic : Tending to stop hemorrhage. ;; A remedy for hemorrhage.
Antihydrophobic : Counteracting or preventing hydrophobia. ;; A remedy for hydrophobia.
Antihydropic : Good against dropsy. ;; A remedy for dropsy.
Antihypnotic : Tending to prevent sleep. ;; An antihypnotic agent.
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