Vocabulary : Antihypochondriac to Antilogies

Antihypochondriac : Counteractive of hypochondria. ;; A remedy for hypochondria.
Antihysteric : Counteracting hysteria. ;; A remedy for hysteria.
Antiicteric : Good against jaundice. ;; A remedy for jaundice.
Anti-imperialism : Opposition to imperialism; -- applied specif., in the United States, after the Spanish-American war (1898), to the attitude or principles of those opposing territorial expansion; in England, of those, often called Little Englanders, opposing the extension of the empire and the closer relation of its parts, esp. in matters of commerce and imperial defense.
Antilae : of Antlia
Antilegomena : Certain books of the New Testament which were for a time not universally received, but which are now considered canonical. These are the Epistle to the Hebrews, the Epistles of James and Jude, the second Epistle of Peter, the second and third Epistles of John, and the Revelation. The undisputed books are called the Homologoumena.
Antilibration : A balancing; equipoise.
Antilithic : Tending to prevent the formation of urinary calculi, or to destroy them when formed. ;; An antilithic medicine.
Antilogarithm : The number corresponding to a logarithm. The word has been sometimes, though rarely, used to denote the complement of a given logarithm; also the logarithmic cosine corresponding to a given logarithmic sine.
Antilogies : of Antilogy
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