Vocabulary : Antiquatedness to Antiquity

Antiquatedness : Quality of being antiquated.
Antiquateness : Antiquatedness.
Antiquation : The act of making antiquated, or the state of being antiquated.
Antique : Old; ancient; of genuine antiquity; as, an antique statue. In this sense it usually refers to the flourishing ages of Greece and Rome. ;; Old, as respects the present age, or a modern period of time; of old fashion; antiquated; as, an antique robe. ;; Made in imitation of antiquity; as, the antique style of Thomson's "Castle of Indolence." ;; Odd; fantastic. ;; In general, anything very old; but in a more limited sense, a relic or object of ancient art; collectively, the antique, the remains of ancient art, as busts, statues, paintings, and vases.
Antiquely : In an antique manner.
Antiqueness : The quality of being antique; an appearance of ancient origin and workmanship.
Antiquist : An antiquary; a collector of antiques.
Antiquitarian : An admirer of antiquity. [Used by Milton in a disparaging sense.]
Antiquities : of Antiquity
Antiquity : The quality of being ancient; ancientness; great age; as, a statue of remarkable antiquity; a family of great antiquity. ;; Old age. ;; Ancient times; former ages; times long since past; as, Cicero was an eloquent orator of antiquity. ;; The ancients; the people of ancient times. ;; An old gentleman. ;; A relic or monument of ancient times; as, a coin, a statue, etc.; an ancient institution. [In this sense, usually in the plural.]
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