Vocabulary : Antirachitic to Antiscorbutical
Antirachitic : Good against the rickets.
Antirenter : One opposed to the payment of rent; esp. one of those who in 1840-47 resisted the collection of rents claimed by the patroons from the settlers on certain manorial lands in the State of New York.
Antisabbatarian : One of a sect which opposes the observance of the Christian Sabbath.
Antisacerdotal : Hostile to priests or the priesthood.
Antiscians : Alt. of Antiscii
Antiscii : The inhabitants of the earth, living on different sides of the equator, whose shadows at noon are cast in opposite directions.
Antiscoletic : Alt. of Antiscolic
Antiscolic : Anthelmintic.
Antiscorbutic : Counteracting scurvy. ;; A remedy for scurvy.
Antiscorbutical : Antiscorbutic.
: Antiscriptural, Anti-Semitism, Antisepalous, Antisepsis, Antiseptic, Antiseptical, Antiseptically, Antisialagogue, Antislavery, Antisocial
: Antiquatedness, Antiquateness, Antiquation, Antique, Antiquely, Antiqueness, Antiquist, Antiquitarian, Antiquities, Antiquity
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary