Vocabulary : Arbitrariness to Arbitress

Arbitrariness : The quality of being arbitrary; despoticalness; tyranny.
Arbitrarious : Arbitrary; despotic.
Arbitrary : Depending on will or discretion; not governed by any fixed rules; as, an arbitrary decision; an arbitrary punishment. ;; Exercised according to one's own will or caprice, and therefore conveying a notion of a tendency to abuse the possession of power. ;; Despotic; absolute in power; bound by no law; harsh and unforbearing; tyrannical; as, an arbitrary prince or government.
Arbitrate : To hear and decide, as arbitrators; as, to choose to arbitrate a disputed case. ;; To decide, or determine generally. ;; To decide; to determine. ;; To act as arbitrator or judge; as, to arbitrate upon several reports; to arbitrate in disputes among neighbors; to arbitrate between parties to a suit.
Arbitrated : of Arbitrate
Arbitrating : of Arbitrate
Arbitration : The hearing and determination of a cause between parties in controversy, by a person or persons chosen by the parties.
Arbitrator : A person, or one of two or more persons, chosen by parties who have a controversy, to determine their differences. See Arbitration. ;; One who has the power of deciding or prescribing without control; a ruler; a governor.
Arbitratrix : A female who arbitrates or judges.
Arbitress : A female arbiter; an arbitratrix.
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