Vocabulary : Arblast to Arboreous

Arblast : A crossbow. See Arbalest.
Arbor : A kind of latticework formed of, or covered with, vines, branches of trees, or other plants, for shade; a bower. ;; A tree, as distinguished from a shrub. ;; An axle or spindle of a wheel or opinion. ;; A mandrel in lathe turning.
Arbor Dianae : A precipitation of silver, in a beautiful arborescent form.
Arbor vine : A species of bindweed.
Arbor vitae : An evergreen tree of the cypress tribe, genus Thuja. The American species is the T. occidentalis. ;; The treelike disposition of the gray and white nerve tissues in the cerebellum, as seen in a vertical section.
Arborary : Of or pertaining to trees; arboreal.
Arborator : One who plants or who prunes trees.
Arboreal : Of or pertaining to a tree, or to trees; of nature of trees. ;; Attached to, found in or upon, or frequenting, woods or trees; as, arboreal animals.
Arbored : Furnished with an arbor; lined with trees.
Arboreous : Having the form, constitution, or habits, of a proper tree, in distinction from a shrub. ;; Pertaining to, or growing on, trees; as, arboreous moss.
Next : Arborescence, Arborescent, Arboret, Arboreta, Arboretum, Arborical, Arboricole, Arboricultural, Arboriculture, Arboriculturist
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