Vocabulary : Archidiaconal to Archimage
Archidiaconal : Of or pertaining to an archdeacon.
Archiepiscopacy : That form of episcopacy in which the chief power is in the hands of archbishops. ;; The state or dignity of an archbishop.
Archiepiscopal : Of or pertaining to an archbishop; as, Canterbury is an archiepiscopal see.
Archiepiscopality : The station or dignity of an archbishop; archiepiscopacy.
Archiepiscopate : The office of an archbishop; an archbishopric.
Archierey : The higher order of clergy in Russia, including metropolitans, archbishops, and bishops.
Archil : A violet dye obtained from several species of lichen (Roccella tinctoria, etc.), which grow on maritime rocks in the Canary and Cape Verd Islands, etc. ;; The plant from which the dye is obtained.
Archilochian : Of or pertaining to the satiric Greek poet Archilochus; as, Archilochian meter.
Archilute : A large theorbo, or double-necked lute, formerly in use, having the bass strings doubled with an octave, and the higher strings with a unison.
Archimage : Alt. of Archimagus
: Archimagus, Archimandrite, Archimedean, Archimedes, Arching, Archipelagic, Archipelago, Archipterygium, Architect, Architective
: Archetypally, Archetype, Archetypical, Archeus, Archi-, Archiannelida, Archiater, Archibald wheel, Archiblastula, Archical
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary