Vocabulary : Archimagus to Architective

Archimagus : The high priest of the Persian Magi, or worshipers of fire. ;; A great magician, wizard, or enchanter.
Archimandrite : A chief of a monastery, corresponding to abbot in the Roman Catholic church. ;; A superintendent of several monasteries, corresponding to superior abbot, or father provincial, in the Roman Catholic church.
Archimedean : Of or pertaining to Archimedes, a celebrated Greek philosopher; constructed on the principle of Archimedes' screw; as, Archimedean drill, propeller, etc.
Archimedes : An extinct genus of Bryzoa characteristic of the subcarboniferous rocks. Its form is that of a screw.
Arching : of Arch ;; The arched part of a structure. ;; Hogging; -- opposed to sagging.
Archipelagic : Of or pertaining to an archipelago.
Archipelago : The Grecian Archipelago, or Aegean Sea, separating Greece from Asia Minor. It is studded with a vast number of small islands. ;; Hence: Any sea or broad sheet of water interspersed with many islands or with a group of islands.
Archipterygium : The primitive form of fin, like that of Ceratodus.
Architect : A person skilled in the art of building; one who understands architecture, or makes it his occupation to form plans and designs of buildings, and to superintend the artificers employed. ;; A contriver, designer, or maker.
Architective : Used in building; proper for building.
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