Vocabulary : Caked to Calade
Caked : of Cake
Caking : of Cake
Caking coal : See Coal.
Cal : Wolfram, an ore of tungsten.
Calabar : A district on the west coast of Africa.
Calabarine : An alkaloid resembling physostigmine and occurring with it in the calabar bean.
Calabash : The common gourd (plant or fruit). ;; The fruit of the calabash tree. ;; A water dipper, bottle, bascket, or other utensil, made from the dry shell of a calabash or gourd.
Calaboose : A prison; a jail.
Calabozo : A jail. See Calaboose.
Calade : A slope or declivity in a manege ground down which a horse is made to gallop, to give suppleness to his haunches.
: Caladium, Calaite, Calamanco, Calamander wood, Calamar, Calamary, Calambac, Calambour, Calami, Calamiferous
: Cajoled, Cajolement, Cajoler, Cajoleries, Cajolery, Cajoling, Cajun, Cajuput, Cajuputene, Cake
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary