Vocabulary : Caladium to Calamiferous
Caladium : A genus of aroideous plants, of which some species are cultivated for their immense leaves (which are often curiously blotched with white and red), and others (in Polynesia) for food.
Calaite : A mineral. See Turquoise.
Calamanco : A glossy woolen stuff, plain, striped, or checked.
Calamander wood : A valuable furniture wood from India and Ceylon, of a hazel-brown color, with black stripes, very hard in texture. It is a species of ebony, and is obtained from the Diospyros quaesita. Called also Coromandel wood.
Calamar : Alt. of Calamary
Calamary : A cephalopod, belonging to the genus Loligo and related genera. There are many species. They have a sack of inklike fluid which they discharge from the siphon tube, when pursued or alarmed, in order to confuse their enemies. Their shell is a thin horny plate, within the flesh of the back, shaped very much like a quill pen. In America they are called squids. See Squid.
Calambac : A fragrant wood; agalloch.
Calambour : A species of agalloch, or aloes wood, of a dusky or mottled color, of a light, friable texture, and less fragrant than calambac; -- used by cabinetmakers.
Calami : of Calamus
Calamiferous : Producing reeds; reedy.
: Calamine, Calamint, Calamist, Calamistrate, Calamistration, Calamistrum, Calamite, Calamities, Calamitous, Calamity
: Caked, Caking, Caking coal, Cal, Calabar, Calabarine, Calabash, Calaboose, Calabozo, Calade
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary