Vocabulary : Calamine to Calamity
Calamine : A mineral, the hydrous silicate of zinc.
Calamint : A genus of perennial plants (Calamintha) of the Mint family, esp. the C. Nepeta and C. Acinos, which are called also basil thyme.
Calamist : One who plays upon a reed or pipe.
Calamistrate : To curl or friz, as the hair.
Calamistration : The act or process of curling the hair.
Calamistrum : A comblike structure on the metatarsus of the hind legs of certain spiders (Ciniflonidae), used to curl certain fibers in the construction of their webs.
Calamite : A fossil plant of the coal formation, having the general form of plants of the modern Equiseta (the Horsetail or Scouring Rush family) but sometimes attaining the height of trees, and having the stem more or less woody within. See Acrogen, and Asterophyllite.
Calamities : of Calamity
Calamitous : Suffering calamity; wretched; miserable. ;; Producing, or attended with distress and misery; making wretched; wretched; unhappy.
Calamity : Any great misfortune or cause of misery; -- generally applied to events or disasters which produce extensive evil, either to communities or individuals. ;; A state or time of distress or misfortune; misery.
: Calamus, Calando, Calash, Calaveras skull, Calaverite, Calcaneal, Calcaneum, Calcar, Calcarate, Calcarated
: Caladium, Calaite, Calamanco, Calamander wood, Calamar, Calamary, Calambac, Calambour, Calami, Calamiferous
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary