Vocabulary : Carpologist to Carrack
Carpologist : One who describes fruits; one versed in carpology.
Carpology : That branch of botany which relates to the structure of seeds and fruit.
Carpophagous : Living on fruits; fruit-consuming.
Carpophore : A slender prolongation of the receptacle as an axis between the carpels, as in Geranium and many umbelliferous plants.
Carpophyll : A leaf converted into a fruit or a constituent portion of a fruit; a carpel. [See Illust. of Gymnospermous.]
Carpophyte : A flowerless plant which forms a true fruit as the result of fertilization, as the red seaweeds, the Ascomycetes, etc.
Carpospore : A kind of spore formed in the conceptacles of red algae.
Carps : of Carp
Carpus : The wrist; the bones or cartilages between the forearm, or antibrachium, and the hand or forefoot; in man, consisting of eight short bones disposed in two rows.
Carrack : See Carack.
: Carrageen, Carrancha, Carraway, Carrel, Carriable, Carriage, Carriageable, Carriboo, Carrick, Carried
: Carpetless, Carpetmonger, Carpetway, Carphology, Carpi, Carping, Carpintero, Carpogenic, Carpolite, Carpological
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary