Vocabulary : Carrageen to Carried
Carrageen : Alt. of Carrigeen
Carrancha : The Brazilian kite (Polyborus Brasiliensis); -- so called in imitation of its notes.
Carraway : See Caraway.
Carrel : See Quarrel, an arrow. ;; Same as 4th Carol.
Carriable : Capable of being carried.
Carriage : That which is carried; burden; baggage. ;; The act of carrying, transporting, or conveying. ;; The price or expense of carrying. ;; That which carries of conveys, ;; A wheeled vehicle for persons, esp. one designed for elegance and comfort. ;; A wheeled vehicle carrying a fixed burden, as a gun carriage. ;; A part of a machine which moves and carries of supports some other moving object or part. ;; A frame or cage in which something is carried or supported; as, a bell carriage. ;; The manner of carrying one's self; behavior; bearing; deportment; personal manners. ;; The act or manner of conducting measures or projects; management.
Carriageable : Passable by carriages; that can be conveyed in carriages.
Carriboo : See Caribou.
Carrick : A carack. See Carack.
Carried : of Carry
: Carrier, Carries, Carrigeen, Carrion, Carrol, Carrom, Carromata, Carron oil, Carronade, Carrot
: Carpologist, Carpology, Carpophagous, Carpophore, Carpophyll, Carpophyte, Carpospore, Carps, Carpus, Carrack
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary