Vocabulary : Cass to Cassel earth
Cass : To render useless or void; to annul; to reject; to send away.
Cassada : See Cassava.
Cassareep : A condiment made from the sap of the bitter cassava (Manihot utilissima) deprived of its poisonous qualities, concentrated by boiling, and flavored with aromatics. See Pepper pot.
Cassate : To render void or useless; to vacate or annul.
Cassation : The act of annulling.
Cassava : A shrubby euphorbiaceous plant of the genus Manihot, with fleshy rootstocks yielding an edible starch; -- called also manioc. ;; A nutritious starch obtained from the rootstocks of the cassava plant, used as food and in making tapioca.
Cassava wood : A West Indian tree (Turpinia occidentalis) of the family Staphyleaceae.
Casse Paper : Broken paper; the outside quires of a ream.
Cassel brown : Alt. of Cassel earth
Cassel earth : A brown pigment of varying permanence, consisting of impure lignite. It was found originally near Cassel (now Kassel), Germany.
: Casserole, Casse-tete, Cassette, Cassia, Cassican, Cassideous, Cassidony, Cassimere, Cassinette, Cassinian ovals
: Cashmerette, Cashoo, Casing, Casings, Casini, Casino, Casinos, Cask, Casket, Casque
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary