Vocabulary : Casserole to Cassinian ovals

Casserole : A small round dish with a handle, usually of porcelain. ;; A mold (in the shape of a hollow vessel or incasement) of boiled rice, mashed potato or paste, baked, and afterwards filled with vegetables or meat.
Casse-tete : A small war club, esp. of savages; -- so called because of its supposed use in crushing the skull.
Cassette : Same as Seggar.
Cassia : A genus of leguminous plants (herbs, shrubs, or trees) of many species, most of which have purgative qualities. The leaves of several species furnish the senna used in medicine. ;; The bark of several species of Cinnamomum grown in China, etc.; Chinese cinnamon. It is imported as cassia, but commonly sold as cinnamon, from which it differs more or less in strength and flavor, and the amount of outer bark attached.
Cassican : An American bird of the genus Cassicus, allied to the starlings and orioles, remarkable for its skillfully constructed and suspended nest; the crested oriole. The name is also sometimes given to the piping crow, an Australian bird.
Cassideous : Helmet-shaped; -- applied to a corolla having a broad, helmet-shaped upper petal, as in aconite.
Cassidony : The French lavender (Lavandula Stoechas) ;; The goldilocks (Chrysocoma Linosyris) and perhaps other plants related to the genus Gnaphalium or cudweed.
Cassimere : A thin, twilled, woolen cloth, used for men's garments.
Cassinette : A cloth with a cotton warp, and a woof of very fine wool, or wool and silk.
Cassinian ovals : See under Oval.
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