Vocabulary : Cataclysmic to Catadrome
Cataclysmic : Of or pertaining to a cataclysm.
Cataclysmist : One who believes that the most important geological phenomena have been produced by cataclysms.
Catacomb : A cave, grotto, or subterraneous place of large extent used for the burial of the dead; -- commonly in the plural.
Catacoustic : That part of acoustics which treats of reflected sounds or echoes See Acoustics.
Catacrotic : Designating, pertaining to, or characterized by, that form of pulse tracing, or sphygmogram, in which the descending portion of the curve is marked by secondary elevations due to two or more expansions of the artery in the same beat.
Catadicrotism : Quality or state of being catacrotic.
Catadioptric : Alt. of Catadioptrical
Catadioptrical : Pertaining to, produced by, or involving, both the reflection and refraction of light; as, a catadioptric light.
Catadioptrics : The science which treats of catadioptric phenomena, or of the used of catadioptric instruments.
Catadrome : A race course. ;; A machine for raising or lowering heavy weights.
: Catadromous, Catafalco, Catafalque, Catagmatic, Cataian, Catalan, Catalectic, Catalepsis, Catalepsy, Cataleptic
: Catabaptist, Catabasion, Catabiotic, Catacaustic, Catachresis, Catachrestic, Catachrestical, Cataclasm, Cataclysm, Cataclysmal
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary