Vocabulary : Catadromous to Cataleptic

Catadromous : Having the lowest inferior segment of a pinna nearer the rachis than the lowest superior one; -- said of a mode of branching in ferns, and opposed to anadromous. ;; Living in fresh water, and going to the sea to spawn; -- opposed to anadromous, and said of the eel.
Catafalco : See Catafalque.
Catafalque : A temporary structure sometimes used in the funeral solemnities of eminent persons, for the public exhibition of the remains, or their conveyance to the place of burial.
Catagmatic : Having the quality of consolidating broken bones.
Cataian : A native of Cathay or China; a foreigner; -- formerly a term of reproach.
Catalan : Of or pertaining to Catalonia. ;; A native or inhabitant of Catalonia; also, the language of Catalonia.
Catalectic : Wanting a syllable at the end, or terminating in an imperfect foot; as, a catalectic verse. ;; Incomplete; partial; not affecting the whole of a substance.
Catalepsis : A sudden suspension of sensation and volition, the body and limbs preserving the position that may be given them, while the action of the heart and lungs continues.
Catalepsy : Alt. of Catalepsis
Cataleptic : Pertaining to, or resembling, catalepsy; affected with catalepsy; as, a cataleptic fit.
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