Vocabulary : Catallacta to Catalyse
Catallacta : A division of Protozoa, of which Magosphaera is the type. They exist both in a myxopod state, with branched pseudopodia, and in the form of ciliated bodies united in free, spherical colonies.
Catallactics : The science of exchanges, a branch of political economy.
Catalog : Catalogue.
Catalogize : To insert in a catalogue; to register; to catalogue.
Catalogue : A list or enumeration of names, or articles arranged methodically, often in alphabetical order; as, a catalogue of the students of a college, or of books, or of the stars. ;; To make a list or catalogue; to insert in a catalogue.
Catalogued : of Catalogue
Cataloguer : A maker of catalogues; esp. one skilled in the making of catalogues.
Cataloguing : of Catalogue
Catalpa : A genus of American and East Indian trees, of which the best know species are the Catalpa bignonioides, a large, ornamental North American tree, with spotted white flowers and long cylindrical pods, and the C. speciosa, of the Mississipi valley; -- called also Indian bean.
Catalyse : of Catalysis
: Catalysis, Catalytic, Catamaran, Catamenia, Catamenial, Catamite, Catamount, Catanadromous, Catapasm, Catapeltic
: Catadromous, Catafalco, Catafalque, Catagmatic, Cataian, Catalan, Catalectic, Catalepsis, Catalepsy, Cataleptic
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary