Vocabulary : Catfish to Cathartin
Catfish : A name given in the United States to various species of siluroid fishes; as, the yellow cat (Amiurus natalis); the bind cat (Gronias nigrilabrus); the mud cat (Pilodictic oilwaris), the stone cat (Noturus flavus); the sea cat (Arius felis), etc. This name is also sometimes applied to the wolf fish. See Bullhrad.
Catgut : A cord of great toughness made from the intestines of animals, esp. of sheep, used for strings of musical instruments, etc. ;; A sort of linen or canvas, with wide interstices.
Catharical : Cleansing the bowels; promoting evacuations by stool; purgative. ;; Of or pertaining to the purgative principle of senna, as cathartic acid.
Catharine wheel : See catherine wheel.
Catharist : One aiming at or pretending to a greater purity of like than others about him; -- applied to persons of various sects. See Albigenses.
Cat-harpin : See Cat-harping.
Cat-harping : One of the short ropes or iron cramps used to brace in the shrouds toward the masts so a to give freer sweep to the yards.
Catharsis : A natural or artificial purgation of any passage, as of the mouth, bowels, etc. ;; The process of relieving an abnormal excitement by reestablishing the association of the emotion with the memory or idea of the event that first caused it, and of eliminating it by complete expression (called the abreaction).
Cathartic : Alt. of Catharical ;; A medicine that promotes alvine discharges; a purge; a purgative of moderate activity.
Cathartin : The bitter, purgative principle of senna. It is a glucoside with the properties of a weak acid; -- called also cathartic acid, and cathartina.
: Cathay, Cathead, Cathedra, Cathedral, Cathedralic, Cathedrated, Catheretic, Catherine wheel, Catheter, Catheterism
: Cateress, Catering, Caterpillar, Caterwaul, Caterwauled, Caterwauling, Catery, Cates, Cat-eyed, Catfall
: Sanjeev.NET : Vocabulary