Vocabulary : Cathay to Catheterism

Cathay : China; -- an old name for the Celestial Empire, said have been introduced by Marco Polo and to be a corruption of the Tartar name for North China (Khitai, the country of the Khitans.)
Cathead : A projecting piece of timber or iron near the bow of vessel, to which the anchor is hoisted and secured.
Cathedra : The official chair or throne of a bishop, or of any person in high authority.
Cathedral : The principal church in a diocese, so called because in it the bishop has his official chair (Cathedra) or throne. ;; Pertaining to the head church of a diocese; as, a cathedral church; cathedral service. ;; Emanating from the chair of office, as of a pope or bishop; official; authoritative. ;; Resembling the aisles of a cathedral; as, cathedral walks.
Cathedralic : Cathedral.
Cathedrated : Relating to the chair or office of a teacher.
Catheretic : A mild kind caustic used to reduce warts and other excrescences.
Catherine wheel : Same as Rose window and Wheel window. Called also Catherine-wheel window. ;; A revolving piece of fireworks resembling in form the window of the same name.
Catheter : The name of various instruments for passing along mucous canals, esp. applied to a tubular instrument to be introduced into the bladder through the urethra to draw off the urine.
Catheterism : Alt. of Catheterization
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