Vocabulary : Causerie to Caustical

Causerie : Informal talk or discussion, as about literary matters; light conversation; chat.
Causeuse : A kind of sofa for two persons. A tete-/-tete.
Causeway : Alt. of Causey
Causewayed : Alt. of Causeyed
Causey : A way or road raised above the natural level of the ground, serving as a dry passage over wet or marshy ground.
Causeyed : Having a raised way (causeway or causey); paved.
Causidical : Pertaining to an advocate, or to the maintenance and defense of suits.
Causing : of Cause
Caustic : Alt. of Caustical ;; Any substance or means which, applied to animal or other organic tissue, burns, corrodes, or destroys it by chemical action; an escharotic. ;; A caustic curve or caustic surface.
Caustical : Capable of destroying the texture of anything or eating away its substance by chemical action; burning; corrosive; searing. ;; Severe; satirical; sharp; as, a caustic remark.
Next : Caustically, Causticily, Causticness, Cautel, Cautelous, Cauter, Cauterant, Cauteries, Cauterism, Cauterization
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